Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Quick Note

We have the plague here.

Okay, maybe not the plague. But certainly something close.

Random thoughts to entertain you while I suck down some more meds:

Mike: Dude, you are so irritating.

Me: (cackling) I know!

Me: (again, after more laughing) I think it's really bad because I don't care! (More laughing)
Meadow: That was like, so re-donkulous.

(I have no idea what she was talking about, but it was funny.)
River: Mom, can I have a pass? (Pacifier)

Me: Nope, it's not naptime.

River: Mom, can I have a pass?

Me: Not yet.

River: Mom, can I have a pass?

Me: No bud, it's not naptime.

River: Mom, can I have a pass?

Me: No.

River: Mom, can I have a pass?

Me: (silence)
Mike: Can you take that from her? (the dog)

Me: What does she have?

Mike: Dirty tissue.

Me: Gross.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meadow isn't a Republican is she? (I've been fielding complaints about the Dems)