Saturday, November 17, 2007

Broken camera

Well, the camera broke this weekend. Downside, no new pictures. Upside, I am going to post a couple that are in the computer already - they're just not new.

Not much new really. I wish I could remember a funny story to share. It seems like Meadow has been saying things lately where Mike and I look at each other amazed at her vocabulary. This, of course, is where I should provide an example. Apparently I have used all of my short term memory for school and have lost the details of the cute kid story. Bummer.

Nanny and Poppy are coming for Thanksgiving and we are all excited! They're coming in right when we're supposed to get some snow so we may have a white turkey day...

I promised the kids we'd start putting up Christmas stuff this weekend so we're cleaning today and should get to decorating tomorrow. Mike put up some of the Christmas lights on the house this week since the weather was so nice.

Here's Meadow with her kitar. That's what she calls it. Unfortunately it's in need of repair since she discovered that it's not as strong a bridge as she had hoped. Still, I like to think she'll appreciate this picture when she's a rock star some day.

He was trying to grab the camera and I thought it was funny. He has so many teeth!
This was taken last winter when he only had two teeth, but it's one of my favorite pictures. He's stylin' in his Elway jersey.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.